Thursday, November 27, 2008

Exisitng Clients Key To Marketing Strategies

Want to broaden your customer base?


There are various Marketing Strategies you can use with your existing customers. 


The first form is the most direct.  It involves calling up your clients and asking for referrals.  Instead of asking existing clients if they know others that would be interested in their services, narrow the field by asking if they know any one within your target market.  For example, calling an existing client and asking "Do you know anybody that can use my services?", is not the best way to search for referrals.  Instead, provide specific details, for example "Do you know any doctors that just opened a new practice within the Greater Toronto Area?".  We are often under the impression that being general expands the base of people that can use our services.  However, being general leaves to much work for your existing client.  Being specific promotes a higher success rate for your Marketing Strategies.  Even if your client does not know any one that fits your criteria, they do have enough specific information to ask people they know to help search for your target market.


If your client has an opt-in e-mail list, then ask permission to use it.  Prepare a short e-mail for your existing client to e-mail out to their opt-in list.  If your existing customer is hesitant, offer a commission for every sale made from the e-mail.

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