Thursday, November 20, 2008

Handling Objections - The Key to Successful Selling Techniques 2 of 2

3: ISOLATE THE OBJECTION. Simply ask them if that is the only reason why they are not moving ahead with the sale. The reason for this is simple. You don't want to keep getting peppered with an endless barrage of unexpected objections. Have them "bare their soul" to you, and give them a chance to express their thoughts and feelings. If you can employ such strategy successfully, all your selling techniqueswill be vital points in your sales pitch. Believe me, everyone LOVES having an audience, and they will think a lot better of you, during and after they've spoken.

4: PROPOSE A SOLUTION. After they've fully expressed and clarified their objection, it is IMPERATIVE that you turn their objection into a QUESTION. "Thank you, Mr Customer, for sharing your concerns with me. It seems to me that you are very interested in this product, and that you would be interested in moving ahead with this, however, you're a bit concerned with (state the objection in your words ie: the cost). Is that correct? (Get their agreement) That's great! So, if I can show you how we can address this concern, to your satisfaction, then there really would be no reason not to move ahead with this, correct?"

5: Get that final commitment. Address the problem and RE-CLOSE BY ASSUMING THE SALE. Ensure closing the sale is a vital part in all your marketing strategies

To handle that "I want to think about it," objection, you need to probe just a little more to draw out the REAL reason why they don't want to close the deal. I've found that by asking the question: "Mr Customer, I can understand that you would like some time to think about this. Exactly what is it that you feel you need to talk more about?"

Once the customer gives you their REAL reason, take it from there.

Here's to your success and I'll see you at the top.

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