Thursday, March 5, 2009

Inexpensive + Effective Marketing Strategies

Sometimes, trade show exhibits do not get nearly as much traffic as hoped. During the convention, it may seem more people are passing by than actually stopping by.

If this has happened to you, here is a trick you can include in your marketing strategies.

Approach a person near your booth and say:

"Excuse me, I was wondering if I can interest you in a barter."

The visitor normally responds by showing a high level of interest and intrigue

"I was wondering if you would like to trade this Free Gift for a business card."

Please note, free gift is a reference to what ever item it is you order as a give away. This is an ideal moment to hand them your giveaway. From my own experience at least 90% of the people laugh or smiled once the line was delivered.

From there go on to say

"I am (first name) (last name) would you mind if I formally invite you to my booth?"

At this point, if they say no, you still have their business card. Although this routine might seem cheesy, I cannot begin to tell how many connections I established as a result.

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